
Some Ideas and Thoughts.

As some one with more years than I care to remember behind me I wondered if perhaps I could give some thing back with all the people who have helped me in the past. The idea for this blog came up so that people might benefit from it and find it interesting, and maybe I could have some fun along the way.

My name is Shaun Jepson and I spent most of my childhood up until the age of eighteen in Macclesfield, Cheshire UK. I have lived in the South of France for more than thirty years although when I was actively working I travelled a lot and was away for long periods. My travel was mainly to the rest of Europe, the USA and Canada. I spent long periods in Florida and also Minnesota and finally California.

The year 2020 was a very strange year and the Covid-19 pandemic has taken several years to settle down before things return to almost normal. One of my interests is cycling and that has been severely curtailed in last few years. My cycling has been interrupted by a painful joint illness which stopped me riding from May 2020 to October 2021 until it was treated. 2022 has also been interrupted from the end of May to the end of the year by a heart issue. I am now on my second artificial aortic valve. I am looking forward to restarting in 2023 and continuing to 2024.


I would like to thank my long suffering partner Cathie who has helped me and not complained about the time I spend away from her either cycling or on the computer. My son Michael also has helped greatly. He has reviewed these pages for flaws and needed improvements and was always willing to help with any updates I made.

Updated by Shaun Jepson on November 12, 2023