"Those who try to build idiot-proof systems always underestimate the persistence and ingenuity of idiots."— Anon
You need email client software to send, receive, view, store and organise your emails on your PC or phone. This software interfaces with the email server and simplifies the sending and receiving of emails so you don't have to remember all the command sequences with TELNET.
Rather than look at all the alternative I just show the choices I made and how to set up the interface.
This software is a well supported email client that I use on my Windows PC. There are Windows, Mac and Linux versions available. It supports nearly everything including imap and pop3. There is a support centre also available HERE
Set Up
Each user account requires setting up. You need to go to Settings, Account Settings, Account actions, Add Mail Account,
Enter name (example John Doe), email address (example j.doe@example.com) and password. Then click manual setup.
For incoming server protocal set POP3
server name domain name without www
port 995
user name without the @domain_name
example j.doe
Connection security is SSL/TLS
authentication method is normal password
server name
port 465
connection security SSL/TLS
authentication method is normal password
user name without the @domain_name
example j.doe
This software is a recommended email client that I use on my Andoid devices. It is available on Play Store. The support for POP3 is adequate. There is a forum also available HERE
Set Up
Each user account requires setting up. You need to go to Settings, Account Settings, Add Account,
Enter name email address (example j.doe@example.com). Then click NEXT.
click Configure manually
Incoming server settings
Protocal set POP3
server name domain name without www
Security is SSL/TLS
port 995
authentication method is normal password
user name with the @domain_name
example j.doe@example.com
Click NEXT
The system then validates the Incoming Server Settings
Outgoing server settings
server name domain name without www
Security is SSL/TLS
port 465
authentication method is normal password
user name with the @domain_name
example j.doe@example.com
Click NEXT
The system then validates the Outgoing Server Settings